ESARBICA 2025 coming to Zimbabwe

The National Archives of Zimbabwe, under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, is thrilled to announce that the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Council on Archives (ESARBICA) Conference is set to take place in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, from 15-21 June 2025.


Bulawayo National Archives

Started as a records centre in 1966. In 2001 a purpose-built archival building was opened thereby National Archives of Zimbabwe (Bulawayo) began offering both archival, records and library services. Some of the oldest archival material in Bulawayo Archives are the archives from Bulawayo City Council which date back from 1899.


Masvingo Records Centre

Functions/ Services

We offer:

  • Expert records management advice to central government ministries and departments, local authorities and statutory bodies in accordance to the provisions of the National Archives Act Chapter 25:06 of 1986.
  • Low cost storage and preservation of semi-current records to all government ministries and departments, local authorities and statutory bodies.
  • Access or reference services to agencies whose records are in our custody.
  • Access to delineation reports of communities across the province to members of the public.